Certificate of Authenticity & Confirming Ownership of Autograph (COA) "Currently over 54,554 authentic items registered online", as of 17/11/2023.
OnlineCOA.co.uk is an online database for all your autograph and memorabilia needs. Each items is assigned a 7 digit COA code and then linked to the owners surname. The item can then be viewed at anytime anywhere in the world via our database. To see how the system works, enter COA code 1A2A3A4 and surname BLUE then search. If you are an autograph seller or dealer, and you would like to use our database, please go to our Dealer Registration Form. You will then receive a PROOF of your COA in the post. If you have an item you would like added to our database and then receive a Confirming Ownership of Autograph (COA) sticker in the post, go to our
Public Registration Form. |